
About us in English

Japan Employers’ Federation of Electrical, Electronics & Information Industries is called  "JEFE" for short.  Our profile is as follows;

Introduction Video

Office Information

  • Japan Employers’ Federation of Electrical, Electronics & Information Industries
● Address:
  • 5F of JEMA Hall, 17-4 Ichiban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0082
●  Contact:
  • TEL      03-3556-5896   
  • FAX      03-3556-5897
  • E-mail   info@denkeiren.com 
  • URL      https://www.denkeiren.com

Our Scope of Activities

With Information Providing, Human Resources Development, and Policy Recommendation as the three pillars of our organization, we are conducting our activities and operations.

1 Information Providing

Research studies, data bank functions, and information exchange among members pertaining to personnel and labor issues
Periodical Publications : Each year we publish the Member Company Handbook, Wages and Working Hours Survey, Welfare Expenses Survey, and various data and information recap pertaining to annual spring labor offensive. We also publish various other materials on an irregular basis.
Members-only Information and Documents Site : This site contains various information, such as notifications from us, information from relevant organizations, personnel systems and allowances of member companies, status of spring labor offensive demands and responses, and reports on lectures and seminars provided by us.
Various Meetings :  Various conferences and meetings, such as those shown in the organization chart on the right, are operated and held throughout the year for multi-layered exchange of information among members.
We provide study and learning opportunities by inviting speakers from organizations such as the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the Japan Business Federation, along with other relevant agencies and ministries, economic organizations, and various labor industry bodies, as well as experts and specialists from other industries, to present lectures on timely subjects or to explain relevant laws and ordinances.

2 Human Resources Development

Human resources development for personnel and labor departments and contribution to human network development among people involved in personnel and labor operations
Our Original Training Programs : On a cycle of 7 times a year, we hold a series of workshops for representatives of each of our member companies, of around the age of 30, for the purpose of contributing to the broadening of their perspectives, expanding of knowledge, finding and resolving of issues, and building of human networks, and so forth. Around 30 companies participate each term.
Overseas Training : We send directors and managers from each member company for overseas research and survey tours; once every two years for those at the level of director, and once every year for those at the level of section manager or prospective section manager. The destinations are determined based on the opinions and needs of the member companies.

3 Policy Recommendation

Gathering of industry opinions on common issues relating to national and ministerial laws, systems and policies regarding labor, social welfare and education, etc.; presentation of opinions and policy proposals to government agencies and the various institutions of the business community; raising of our policies, extraction of our opinions and summary of industry issues for member companies.
  • We establish committees for each subject and, as required, gather the opinions of each member company and present opinions and policy proposals to government agencies and various relevant organizations.
  • We attend meetings regarding various labor laws and policies held by the Japan Business Federation and raise issues and present opinions from the position of representing the views of the electrical industry.
  • The Committee for Improving Electrical Industry Attractiveness is engaged in researching and implementing measures to raise interest in science among children and students, for the sake of increased interest in science as well as increased number of science and engineering personnel, like the following;
Contribution to Society and Improvement of Industry Attractiveness, produced by "Committee for Improving Electrical Industry Attractiveness"

As more and more children lose interest in science, and the foundation of Japan’s future in manufacturing is being shaken, many industries and organizations are currently engaged in various efforts such as conducting manufacturing workshops and scientific education support activities, etc.
We established the Committee for Improving Electrical Industry Attractiveness in 2009 and, under the slogan of “We want to foster students' interest in science”, with the cooperation of member companies, we are devising and implementing various programs to inspire as many children and students as possible to take an interest in science by showing them the attractiveness of the electrical industry, in hopes that they will become researchers and engineerss in this industry in the future.
  • Since 2009, we have been participating in the Youngsters’ Science Festival National Convention hosted by the Japan Science Foundation in the Science Museum (in Kitanomaru Park, Tokyo) at the end of July each year.
  • Since 2014, we have been providing support and cooperation in the holding of programs in industrial technology as part of the Tokyo Junior Science School Special Courses for junior high school students, hosted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Office of Education.

Our History and Mission

Japan Employer’s Federation of Electrical, Electronics & Information Industries was formed on October 1st, 2001 as an organization dedicated to address issues pertaining to personnel and labor operations in the electrical industry. It was formed through the combination of the existing Telecommunications Industry Association and the Labor Policy Committee of the Japan Electrical Manufacturers’ Association (JEMA). We are an organization that incorporates companies engaged in the manufacturing and sale of electrical, electronical and information-related equipment, as well as companies engaged in related businesses.
With the rapid aging of the Japanese population, the advancement of globalization and diversification, the promotion of work style reforms, and other factors, we face a mountain of issues in areas pertaining to personnel and labor operations, of how to manage the future of pensions, medical care and other social security systems, how to deal with changes and fluidity of employment structures,  how to promote diversification of work style and work-life balance, how to strengthen talent acquisition and human resources development, and how to respond to successive labor-related regulation reforms, and so forth.
Under such circumstances, not only are the roles of personnel and labor departments of each company more important than ever, they have also become essential in solving issues that extend beyond the frameworks of company and industry.
Moreover, an issue that has gained great importance in the electrical industry in particular, is the need to foster appropriate personnel and carry out appropriate measures for the AI and IoT-related engineers since our industry is playing a role of leading the transformation of society and industry based on AI and IoT-related technology.
Through information providing to members and information exchange among members in the field of personnel and labor, we are seeking not only to raise the level of activities of member companies, but also to enhance our ability to gather and review the opinions and ideas of the electrical, electronics and information industries as a whole and reflect and recommend those to the government agencies and the various institutions of the business community and, in the future, furthermore, to become an organization akin to a think tank capable of making effective policy proposals.